Unicorn Overlord - Black Market Locations and Purchasable Items
Details about the Black Market's locations and all purchasable items from Black Market Dealers.

Black Market Locations

Area Location
Cornia Unicorn Overlord - Cornia Black Market Location
Drakenhold Unicorn Overlord - Drakenhold Black Market Location
Elheim Unicorn Overlord - Elheim Black Market Location
Bastorias Unicorn Overlord - Bastorias Black Market Location
Albion Unicorn Overlord - Albion Black Market Location

Black Market Purchasable Items

Cornia Black Market Dealer

Items Stock Cost Type
Magick Bomb 2 5000G Consumable
Idealist's Handmirror 1 30000G Consumable
Zenoiran Sword 1 5000G Sword
Zenoiran Axe 1 5000G Axe
Zenoiran Spear 1 5000G Spear
Starless Bow 1 3000G Bow
Thief's Mantle 1 20000G Accessory
Carnelian Pendant 1 10000G Accessory
Lapis Pendant 1 10000G Accessory
Iron Shackles 1 3000G Accessory

Bastorias Black Market Dealer

Items Stock Cost Type
Magick Bomb 2 5000G Consumable
Idealist's Handmirror 1 30000G Consumable
Dream Blossom Infinite 3000G Consumable
Cutthroat's Boon 1 12000G Sword
Zenoiran Knight's Sword 1 10000G Sword
Zenoiran Knight's Axe 1 10000G Axe
Zenioran Knight's Spear 1 10000G Spear
Twilight Cloak 1 30000G Accessory
Ruby Pendant 1 40000G Accessory
Sapphire Pendant 1 40000G Accessory
Prisoner's Shackles 1 6000G Accessory

Albion Black Market Dealer

Items Stock Cost Type
Magick Bomb 2 5000G Consumable
Idealist's Handmirror 1 30000G Consumable
Dream Blossom Infinite 3000G Consumable
Zenoiran Knight's Bow 1 10000G Bow
Quartz Bow 1 20000G Bow
Zenoiran Knight's Staff 1 10000G Stave
Zenoiran Knight's Shield 1 10000G Shield
Zenoiran Knight's Greatshield 1 10000G Shield
Ruby Pendant 1 40000G Accessory
Daemon's Shackles 1 1000G Accessory