Unicorn Overlord - Where to Get Stone Circles (Meteorite)
Details about the requirements and exact locations of Stone Circles in Unicorn Overlord.

Requirements for Stone Circles

Recruit Ithilion

To gain access to Stone Rings, you must first complete the "The Elven Knight" side quest and recruit Ithilion.

Clear The Battle for Quentari (Liberation Battle Lv. 19)

Unicorn Overlord - Quentari Town Liberation Battle

One of the Stone Rings is found in the Elheim region. It can be obtained by completing "The Battle for Quentari" Liberation Battle.

Unicorn Overlord Liberation Quests

Where to Get Stone Rings (Meteorite)

Area Number
Cornia 3
Drakenhold 2
Elheim 3
Bastorias 2
Albion 2

Cornia Stone Rings

First Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Cornia First Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Cornia First Stone Ring Overworld View

Second Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Second Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Second Stone Ring Overworld View

Third Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Third Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Third Stone Ring Overworld View

Drakenhold Stone Rings

Fourth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Fourth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Fourth Stone Ring Overworld View

Fifth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Fifth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Fifth Stone Ring Overworld View

Elheim Stone Rings

Sixth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Sixth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Sixth Stone Ring Overworld View

Seventh Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Seventh Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Seventh Stone Ring Overworld View

Eighth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Eighth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Eighth Stone Ring Overworld View

Bastorias Stone Rings

Ninth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Ninth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Ninth Stone Ring Overworld View

Tenth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Tenth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Tenth Stone Ring Overworld View

Albion Stone Rings

Eleventh Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Eleventh Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Eleventh Stone Ring Overworld View

Twelfth Stone Ring

Map Where to Get
Unicorn Overlord - Twelfth Stone Ring Map View Unicorn Overlord - Twelfth Stone Ring Overworld View