Unicorn Overlord - Best Mercenary Classes to Hire
A list and summary of all the best mercenary classes to hire in Unicorn Overlord.

All Best Mercenary Classes to Hire in Unicorn Overlord

Here are the recommended mercenaries to recruit in Unicorn Overlord.

For a guide on the effective ways to spend your Honor points, read this guide below:

Honor Farming Guide

Hire Gryphon Knight and Witch Mercenaries (Early Game)

Unicorn Overlord - Mercenary Unit List

The best mercenary units to hire in Unicorn Overlord are Gryphon Knights and Witches.

Why recruit Gryphon Knight Mercenary Units?

Unicorn Overlord - Gryphon Knight Mercenary

  • Gryphon Knights can ignore terrain effects.
  • Gryphon Knights can deal damage twice against mounted enemy units.
  • Since Fran is the only Gryphon Knight unit you can recruit, hire additional Gryphon Knight mercenaries and add them to other teams.
  • Hire Gryphon Knight mercenary units from:
    • Fort Mainteneaut
    • Fort Paradis
    • Fort Plaine
    • Walled City of Eucuit
Character Unit Class
Unicorn Overlord - Fran Character IconFran Gryphon Knight
Unicorn Overlord - Fran Character IconFran Gryphon Master
Unicorn Overlord - Celeste Character IconCeleste

Why recruit Witch Mercenary Units?

Unicorn Overlord - Witch Mercenary

  • Witches can teleport close to allies or ally buildings.
  • Gryphon Knights can deal additional damage against armored enemy units.
  • Since Yahna is the only Witch unit you can recruit, hire additional Witch mercenaries and add them to other teams.
  • Hire Witch mercenary units from:
    • Fort Colmarre
    • Fort Groux
Character Unit Class
Unicorn Overlord - Yahna Character IconYahna

Character Class List and Guides

How to Assign Mercenaries to Garrison?

Unicorn Overlord - Assign Mercenary Units to Garrisons

To set up garrisons, liberate a fort or city. Not all forts or cities are available for garrisons and each garrison has its own distinct mercenary classes available.

After establishing a garrison, approach it and send the mercenary units you want. Preferably hire cheap mercenaries such as Soldier units.

How to Hire Mercenaries?

Recruit Mercenary Classes at the Fort.

Unicorn Overlord - Assign Mercenary Units to Garrisons

Visit a fort you recently unlocked and hire a number of mercenaries. Each fort has its own set of mercenary classes you can select.

You can add up 64 mercenaries at a Fort. However, not all classes can be accessed as mercenary units.

Obtain Honor to hire Mercenaries.

Unicorn Overlord - Exchange Honor for Mercenary Units

Spend honor points in order to recruit mercenary units. The stronger the mercenary, the higher renown amount needed.

Honor Farming Guide

Differences between Character Units to Mercenary Units.

Unicorn Overlord - Mercenary Unit List

Below is breakdown between these two types of units in the game:

Features Character Units Mercenary Units
Sprite Art Style Exclusive art style with unique personalities. Common art style with no personality.
Stat Growth Fixed by class unit. Customizable by class.
Intimacy Available Not available.

Back to Character Unit List and Guides
