A guide of class promotion for Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord - Class Promotion Guide

Class Promotion Guide for Unicorn Overlord

Go to Fort After Reaching Renown Rank B

Unicorn Overlord - Class Promotion

Class promotion can be done by going to the fort after your renown rank reaches B. In order to promote to a higher class, you will need 25 to 50 honors. The number of honors required to promote classes varies depending on the class.

Unicorn Overlord Class List and Guides

Promote Class When Available

In Unicorn Overlord, unlike Fire Emblem, the final strength of the characters does not change depending on the timing of class promotion. Promoting your class will greatly strengthen your stats, so try to promote your class everytime it's available.

When is Class Promotion Unlocked

Increase Renown Rank to B

Unicorn Overlord - Renown Rank B

Class promotion is unlocked when you reach Renown Rank B. The prestige value required for renown rank B is 1750. The recommended way to earn prestige is to clear the "free stages" where you can play as many times as you like.
