Unicorn Overlord - How to Get Drop-type Items
A guide on how to get Item Drops in Unicorn Overlord.

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How to Get Drop-type Items in Unicorn Overlord

Available in infinite amounts at church.

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Drop-type items may be traded for Divine Shards at the church.

You may trade two pieces of shard for any item drop of your choice with no limit on the quantity of trades.

As a result, as long as you have Divine Shards, you can collect an infinite amount of them.

Acquire from the field.

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Item drops can also be acquired from the sparkle on the field grounds. You can explore the area after completing the quest.

Obtain as a reward.

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Item drops can also be obtained through quest or clear rewards.

In the Cornia region, clearing "The Winged Knight" will award you with 3 Drops of Life and 3 Drops of Strength.

What are Drop-type Items?

Permanently increase stats

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Using drop-type items permanently increases a character's relevant status.

Up to 5 same drops per person

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Each user can only use up to five of the same drop.

It does not imply that you may only use up to 5 drops in total; you can also use different drops.

If any case that you use 5 drops of strength on Alain, you will be unable to use additional drops of strength, but you may use drops of life.
