Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Archer Skills and Build
A breakdown of the best Archer skills and vocation leveling progression in Dragon's Dogma 2.

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Best Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Build Summary and Leveling Route

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Archer Vocation

Build Summary

DPS Build

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Archer Vocation Icon

The Archer vocation is best built as a ranged DPS character whose specialization in fighting at a distance surpasses any other class in the game. All Augments that enhance maximum stamina and stamina recovery are essential for this build to be able to maintain offense from any range. This build also aims to get as much return from accurately targeting enemy weak points via the Lethality augment skill.

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Archer Vocation Gameplay

Vocation Leveling Route

Archer Rank 4 (Learn Endurance) → Thief Rank 2 to 9 (Learn Subtlety and Verve) → Mage Rank 9 (Learn Exaltation) → Magick Archer Rank 8 (Learn Ascendancy) → Archer Rank 8 (Learn Lethality)

Vocation Unlock Conditions

Vocation How to Unlock
Unlocked at the start of the game or at Vocation Guild.
Thief Unlocked at the start of the game or at Vocation Guild.

Unlocked at the start of the game or at Vocation Guild.

Magick Archer

Unlocked at Vocation Build by clearing Side Quest: Put a Spring in Thy Step in Volcanic Island.

Best Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Details
Manifold Shot
  • Effects: An advanced form of Barrage Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
  • Usage: Staple Archer attack skill effective against a variety of enemies.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 4 (1,000 Dcp)
Deathly Arrow
  • Effects: An advanced form of Dire Arrow that inflicts greater harm and has the ability to pin smaller targets to walls.
  • Usage: Staple Archer attack skill effective against a variety of enemies.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 5 (1,300 Dcp)
Lyncean Shot
  • Effects: An advanced form of Keen Sight that stabilizes the user’s vision and consumes less Stamina.
  • Usage: Staple arrow skill for sniping targets over long distance before they can get close enough to attack.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 7 (2,000 Dcp)
Tempest Shot
  • Effects: An advanced form of Torrent Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
  • Usage: Staple multi-hit arrow skills for quickly stacking damage.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 7 (2,000 Dcp)

Best Core Skills

Core Skill Details
Swift Nock
  • Effects: Enables the user to nock arrows more quickly when using Loose or Steady Shot.
  • Usage: Grants increased DPS.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 3 (400 Dcp)
Puncture Dart
  • Effects: Draws the bowstring to its absolute limit before firing. Makes aiming more difficult, but allows arrows to pierce targets with greater impact.
  • Usage: Increased damage per shot, increased difficulty of aiming.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 4 (1,000 Dcp)
Parting Shot
  • Effects: Fires an arrow while jumping back after performing a Leaping Punt or a mid-air Front Kick.
  • Usage: Useful attack to create some distance from enemies.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 4 (1,000 Dcp)

Best Augment Skills

Core Skill Details
  • Effects: Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.
  • Usage: Increased survivability by allowing you to cast spells without worrying about being targeted.
  • How to Unlock: Thief Rank 2 (300 Dcp)
  • Effects: Increases your maximum Stamina.
  • Usage: Grants increased use of skills and other stamina-consuming moves.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 4 (900 Dcp)
  • Effects: Increases physical attack power.
  • Usage: Grants increased DPS.
  • How to Unlock: Thief Rank 9 (5,000 Dcp)
  • Effects: Augments your Stamina recovery speed.
  • Usage: Grants shortened downtime when low on stamina.
  • How to Unlock: Mage Rank 9 (5,000 Dcp)
  • Effects: Augments the Strength and Magick of pawns in your party.
  • Usage: Grants party higher DPS across different vocations.
  • How to Unlock: Magick Archer Rank 8 (3,000 Dcp)
  • Effects: Increases damage dealt when striking a target’s vitals.
  • Usage: Maximizes damage per shot for targeting enemy weak points.
  • How to Unlock: Archer Rank 8 (3,000 Dcp)