Unicorn Overlord - Dark Marquess Class Guide: How to Unlock
Class overview, learned skills, and unlock condition guide for the Dark Marquess in Unicorn Overlord

Dark Marquess (Berengaria) Class Guide in Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord - Dark Marquess (Berengaria) Class Guide: How to Unlock

Dark Marquess (Berengaria) Class Information

Dark Marquess (Berengaria) Class Details

Character Details
Class Type Sword / Great Shield / Infantry
Class Trait N/A
Stamina 6/6
Movement Type Infantry
Assist Type None
Mobility 100
Leader Effect Greater Garrison: Recover HP and stamina faster when garrisoned

Dark Marquess Class Battle Compatibility

Strong against Weak against
- -

Dark Marquess Class Skills

Active Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Burning Edge Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Burn. Grants the user +1 PP if the target is already burning.
Death Spin Attack a row of enemies. Inflicts Stun. +75 potency v. afflicted targets.
Inferno Attack a row of enemies. Ignores 50% Defense and inflicts Burn. Grants the user +1 PP.

Passive Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Advance Cover Activates before an ally is attacked. Cover an ally with a medium guard. Grants the user +1 AP.
Phantom Counter Activates after an enemy attacks with an active skill. Counterattack a single enemy. Inflicts Burn and removes all of target's buffs.
Parting Death Activates at the end of a battle. Attack a single enemy . Inflicts a deathblow if the target has 50% HP or less.

Valor Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Striking Ray Deal physical and magick damage to all enemy within range. (Physical potency: 150. Magick Potency: 150)

Dark Marquess (Nigel) Class Guide in Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord - Dark Marquess (Nigel) Class Guide: How to Unlock

Dark Marquess (Nigel) Class Information

Dark Marquess Class Details

Character Details
Class Type Sword / Great Shield / Infantry
Class Trait -
Stamina 6
Movement Type Infantry
Assist Type -
Mobility 100
Leader Effect Greater Garrison : Recover HP and stamina faster when garrisoned.
Available Characters Unicorn Overlord - Nigel Character IconNigel

Dark Marquess Class Battle Compatibility

Strong against Weak against
None None

Dark Marquess Class Skills

Active Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Burning Edge Attack a single enemy.
Inflicts Burn. Grants the user +1 PP if the target is already burning.
Death Spin Attack a row of enemies.
Inflicts Stun. +75 potency v. afflicted targets.
Inferno Attack a row of enemies.
Ignores 50% Defense and inflicts Burn. Grants the user +1 PP.

Passive Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Advance Cover Activates before an ally is attacked. Cover an ally with a medium guard.
Grants the user +1 AP.
Phantom Counter Activates after an enemy attacks with an active skill. Counterattack a single enemy.
Inflicts Burn and removes all of target's buffs.
Parting Death -

Valor Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Striking Ray Deal physical and magic damage to all enemy within range.
(Physical potency: 150. Magic potency: 150.

Dark Marquess Class Unit Stat Growth

Stat Growth Rate Stat Growth Rate
HP B Initiative B
Physical Attack B Physical Defense B
Magic Attack C Magic Defense B
Accuracy A Evasion C
Critical Rate C Guard Rate B