SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido Route Vision Events Walkthrough
Tsunanori Mido Character Route and Vision Event Walkthroughs for SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB) A w

Tsunanori Mido Character Route and Vision Event Walkthroughs for SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB)

SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido Route Vision Events Walkthrough

A walkthrough and guide for the Tsunanori Mido Character Route and Vision Events in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB).

Protagonist Character Routes and Visions

All Character Vision Walkthroughs
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido IconTsunanori Mido SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Ameya Aisling IconAmeya Arising SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Siugnas IconSiugnas
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconDiva No.5 SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconBonnie Blair and Formina Franklyn -

Back to all Vision Event Walkthroughs

Mido Route - Miyako City Vision Events

  • Scenario Intro (Opening)
  • Tutorial Battle
  • Scan at the Junction.

Mido Route - Witchdom Pulchra Vision Events

  • Head to Heaven’s Door.
  • Scan at Witchdom Pulchra.
  • Tree of Youth
  • White Lion Womb
  • Greenhouse
  • Flame Fortress
  • White Ore Mine
  • Twilight Windmill
  • Scorching Tower
  • Black Water Gate
  • Earth Grooves
  • Black Swan Castle
  • The Powerful One
  • Spirit of the Deep Blue Forest
  • Just the Right Spirit
  • Lower Spirit
  • Tower of Light
  • Delta Base

Mido Route - Grelon Vision Events

  • Common Route (Beginning Event)
    • Wandering Boy
    • Rescuing Frozen Leia
    • Boss Branching Route
  • Iron Maiden Route
    • Rescuing Frozen Sandrine
    • Rescuing Frozen Marion
    • Rescuing Frozen Esperance
    • Rescuing Frozen Remi
    • Rescuing Frozen Virgil
    • Rescuing Frozen Gabriel
    • Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain
    • Options After You Use Up 10 Matches
    • Investigator Gabriel’s Concerns
    • Exploring of the Great Mine
    • Exploring the Church Ruins
    • Exploring the Public Bath Ruins
    • Exploring the Coal Mine
    • Unsealing the Palace Gate (1)
    • Museum Investigation
    • Guillaume’s Field
    • Exploring the Copper Mines
    • Virgil’s Request
    • Exploring the Watchtower Ruins
    • Unseal the Palace Gate (2)
    • Lowering the Ladder
    • The Truth of the Last Emperor (Iron Maiden)
  • Common Route (Post Boss Battle)
    • The Mighty One
    • Spirit Too Strong
    • Just the Right Spirit
    • Lower Spirit
    • Exit to Heaven
    • Junction

Mido Route - Yomi Vision Events

  • Scan to Find the Battlefield
  • Sealed Castle
  • About Boss Branching and Recruitable Characters
  • The End of Lust
  • Wolf Howling
  • The End of Devouring
  • The Bliss of Gluttony
  • Gluttonous Feeding
  • Battle of Devouring
  • The End of Wrath
  • The End of Laziness
  • Opening the Castle
  • The Mighty One
  • The Sinister Spirit
  • Ordinary Spirit
  • Weak Spirit
  • Boneyard

Mido Route - Miyako City Vision Event Walkthroughs

Scenario Intro (Opening)


1 Mido will be picked for the Cathedral Project and will embark on an expedition.

Tutorial Battle

Important Notes

  • Wandering Moku Soul (Oki Zan)


1 Instead of using high-damage techs and spells, try setting up your party for high combo rates through techniques. Unleash Overdrive by using techs that synchronize the turns of party members by at least 5 squares.
2 Get the clear reward from the tutorial battle. Souls can be assigned to one of the Kugutsu's roles. If you can learn Uru techniques, make sure to equip them as well.

Scan at the Junction.


1 Scan by using the "" button. Look for the event that you will take next.

Mido Route - Witchdom Pulchra Vision Event Walkthroughs

Head to Heaven’s Door.


1 Proceed to the heavenly door and enter.
2 Finish the Ritgram mini game.

Ritgram Solution

How to Solve
  • Use the L1 and R1 buttons to rotate the pieces in the minigame.  Fit the pieces on the blanks.

Scan at Witchdom Pulchra.


1 Press the "" button to scan when you reach the Witchdom Pulchra. You will see new events that you can take.
2 We suggest taking side events first before the main events (including battle events). In this case, take the "Tree of You" side event first. Picking the main event will close the side events in this game.

Tree of Youth


1 After the watching the event, "White Lion's Womb" and "Greenhouse" events gets unlocked.

White Lion Womb

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Tree of Youth" Side Event.


1 After the watching the event, "Flame Fortress" and "White Ore Mine" events gets unlocked.


Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Tree of Youth" Side Event.
Battle Difficulty
  • Easy
  • Viper Soul x1


1 Defeat Viper x3.

Flame Fortress

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "White Lion Womb" Side Event.


1 After the watching the event, "Twilight Windmill" and "Scorching Tower" events gets unlocked.

White Ore Mine

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "White Lion Womb" Side Event.
Battle Difficulty
  • Easy
  • Iwakui Soul x1


1 Defeat Iwakui x1.

Twilight Windmill

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Flame Fortress" Side Event.


1 After the watching the event, "Black Flood Gate" and "Earth Ditch" events gets unlocked.

Scorching Tower

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Flame Fortress" Side Event.
Battle Difficulty
  • Normal
  • Alraune Soul x1


1 Defeat Alraune x4.

Black Water Gate

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Twilight Windmill" Side Event.
  • Be aware that battle events of different colors will disappear as you advance through this event.
Battle Difficulty
  • Hard
  • Old Long Sword (One-Handed Sword)
  • Young Sun Soul x1

Ritgram Solution

How to Solve
  • Press the "✕ " button to take the △ and □ pieces together.
  • Press the " " button to put them all in the piece list.
  • Take out the black ▲ and ■ pieces and fit them in the frame below the white piece was and fit it into the empty frame below.
  • Take out the white △ and □ pieces from the list and put it on.


1 Defeat Young Sun x4.

Earth Grooves

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Twilight Windmill" Side Event.
Battle Difficulty
  • Normal
  • Boar Warrior Soul x1


1 Defeat Barghest x1.

Black Swan Castle

Important Notes

Event Unlock Condition
  • Clear "Black Water Gate" Side Event.


1 Just finish watching the event.

The Powerful One

Important Notes

Battle Difficulty
  • Hard
  • Great Spirit of the Tree Soul x1


1 -
2 -
3 -

Spirit of the Deep Blue Forest

Coming Soon!

Just the Right Spirit

Coming Soon!

Lower Spirit

Coming Soon!

Tower of Light

Coming Soon!

Delta Base

Coming Soon!
