Unicorn Overlord - Kingdom of Elheim
An overview of Elheim in Unicorn Overlord and all characters affiliated with the kingdom.

Kingdom of Elheim

Unicorn Overlord - Kingdom of Elheim

Elheim Kingdom Overview
A land of elves both light and dark, nestled in verdant forests in the southwestern part of the continent. It boasts a unique system of government headed by a divine seer known as the Turenós. The Winding Wood guards this land from outsiders.

Affiliated Characters

Unicorn Overlord - Rosalinde Character UnitRosalinde Unicorn Overlord - Eltolinde Character UnitEltolinde Unicorn Overlord - Ithilion Character UnitIthilion

List of All Kingdoms in Fevrith

Unicorn Overlord - All Kingdoms in Fevrith


Kingdoms of Fevrith
Unicorn Overlord - Cornia Emblem

Kingdom of Cornia

Unicorn Overlord - Drakenhold Emblem

Kingdom of Drakenhold

Unicorn Overlord - Elheim EmblemKingdom of Elheim Unicorn Overlord - Bastorias EmblemKingdom of Bastorias
Unicorn Overlord - Albion EmblemKingdom of Albion