Unicorn Overlord - How to Use and Obtain Fevrite
A guide on how to use and obtain Fevrite in Unicorn Overlord.

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How to Use and Obtain Fevrite in Unicorn Overlord

How to use Fevrite

Unicorn Overlord - How to Use Fevrite

Fevrite is an ore used as a material in upgrading weapons at the blacksmith.

This is a rare collectible in the game that is difficult to obtain.

How to get Fevrite

Unicorn Overlord - How to Obtain Fevrite

There are different ways to obtain a Fevrite and below are the three (3) ways:

  • Trade for Divine Shards x20
  • Purchase from a Black Market Merchant for 50,000G
  • Can be obtained from completing quests or can be as rewards

Even though it is possible to gain an infinite amount of items, it is still quite difficult to obtain due to its price being high.
