How to Increase Stats in Dragon's Dogma 2
Stats can be increased by leveling up your character.
Leveling up in the game will naturally increase your character's stats. But stats growth is heavily influenced by your current vocation. This means that the stats you will gain are related to your vocation.
Vocations affect stats growth
Vocations can influence stats growth as well. Changing into a Magick-type vocation will increase Magick-related stats, and the same applies for Strength-type vocations.
Equipping Weapons and Armor may significantly increase stats.
Weapons and armor may be the easiest way to gain stats, as they will provide stats instantly once equipped. Equipment found in the later stages of the game, or those that are rare, may significantly increase your stats.
Augment Skills can boost stats as well.
Augment Skills have effects that boost stats as well. This may vary from damage-dealing stats to defensive stats. But, in order to fully unlock Augment Skills for other vocations, you must first raise the rank of the vocation for which you wish to unlock its Augment Skill.