SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No. 5 Route Vision Events Walkthrough
Walkthrough guide for the Diva No. 5 Vision Events in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB).

Diva No. 5 Character Route and Vision Event Walkthroughs for SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB)

SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No. 5 Route Vision Events Walkthrough

A walkthrough and guide for the Diva No. 5 Character Route and Vision Events in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB).

Protagonist Character Routes and Visions

All Character Vision Walkthroughs
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido IconTsunanori Mido SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Ameya Aisling IconAmeya Arising SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Siugnas IconSiugnas
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconDiva No.5 SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconBonnie Blair and Formina Franklyn -

Diva No.5 Route - Delta Base Vision Events

  • Scenario Intro (Opening)
  • Junction
  • After Arriving at Delta Base
  • Battle Training
  • Training, Part Two
  • Training, Part Three
  • A Test of Strength
  • Yellow Division
  • Yellow Division Lift
  • Yellow Division’s Interviews
  • Administrator Gold is Waiting
  • Yellow Division Researcher
  • Red Division
  • Red Division Lift
  • The Mystery of the Biochip
  • Waiting Overseer
  • Specimen 098
  • Specimen 507
  • Specimen 056
  • Still the Yellow Division Researcher
  • Necronomicon
  • Yellow Division Researcher
  • Invention Workshop
  • Green Division
  • Green Division Research Magus
  • Green Division Lift
  • Catch the Cat from Another Dimension!
  • Dawn of Civilization
  • Specimen 440
  • New Overseer
  • Growth of Slime Mold
  • Showdown with Specimen No. 303
  • Further Information
  • Captive Alien
  • What Was Left Behind
  • The Mystery of Life
  • Information Control Panel
  • Stop the Skeletal Specimen
  • Administrator Gold is Waiting
  • Junction Room Door
  • Junction
  • Incubator
  • Plant Cultivation Set
  • Gizmo Parts Processing

Diva No.5 Route - Witchdom Pulchra Vision Events

  • Scan to Find the Battlefield
  • Yellow Battlefield (1st Time)
  • Whimsical Windmill
  • A Witch Who Knows Mysteries
  • Wilma’s Troubles
  • The Return of the Dusk Windmill
  • A Witch Waiting to Depart
  • Black Battlefield (1st Time)
  • A Mysterious Witch
  • White Battlefield (1st Time)
  • White Battlefield: Witch Counterattack
  • White Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
  • Blue Battlefield (1st Time)
  • Blue Battlefield: Witch’s Counterattack
  • Blue Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
  • Red Battlefield (1st Time)
  • Red Battlefield: Witch’s Counterattack
  • Red Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
  • Time to End the Calamity

Diva No.5 Route - Yomi Vision Events

  • Scan to Find the Battlefield
  • Sealed Castle
  • The End of Lust
  • The End of Devouring
  • The Bliss of Gluttony
  • Gluttonous Feeding
  • The End of Wrath
  • The End of Laziness
  • Opening the Castle