SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Walkthroughs (Character Vision Events)
A list and summary of all character vision event in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB).

All Character Vision Events and Walkthroughs in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB)

Below is a list and breakdown of all the main story Character Route and Vision Events in SaGa: Emerald Beyond (SaGa: EB).

Protagonist Character Routes and Visions

All Character Vision Walkthroughs
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido IconTsunanori Mido SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Ameya Aisling IconAmeya Arising SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Siugnas IconSiugnas
SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconDiva No.5 SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5 IconBonnie Blair and Formina Franklyn -

Tsunanori Mido Character Route and Vision Events

SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Tsunanori Mido Character Route and Vision Events

Tsunanori Mido Character Vision Events

Mido Route - Miyako City Vision Events

  • Scenario Intro (Opening)
  • Tutorial Battle
  • Scan at the Junction.

Mido Route - Witchdom Pulchra Vision Events

  • Head to Heaven’s Door.
  • Scan at Witchdom Pulchra.
  • Tree of Youth
  • White Lion Womb
  • Greenhouse
  • Flame Fortress
  • White Ore Mine
  • Twilight Windmill
  • Scorching Tower
  • Black Water Gate
  • Earth Grooves
  • Black Swan Castle
  • The Powerful One
  • Spirit of the Deep Blue Forest
  • Just the Right Spirit
  • Lower Spirit
  • Tower of Light
  • Delta Base

Grelon Vision Events

  • Common Route (Beginning Event)
    • Wandering Boy
    • Rescuing Frozen Leia
    • Boss Branching Route
  • Iron Maiden Route
    • Rescuing Frozen Sandrine
    • Rescuing Frozen Marion
    • Rescuing Frozen Esperance
    • Rescuing Frozen Remi
    • Rescuing Frozen Virgil
    • Rescuing Frozen Gabriel
    • Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain
    • Options After You Use Up 10 Matches
    • Investigator Gabriel’s Concerns
    • Exploring of the Great Mine
    • Exploring the Church Ruins
    • Exploring the Public Bath Ruins
    • Exploring the Coal Mine
    • Unsealing the Palace Gate (1)
    • Museum Investigation
    • Guillaume’s Field
    • Exploring the Copper Mines
    • Virgil’s Request
    • Exploring the Watchtower Ruins
    • Unseal the Palace Gate (2)
    • Lowering the Ladder
    • The Truth of the Last Emperor (Iron Maiden)
  • Common Route (Post Boss Battle)
    • The Mighty One
    • Spirit Too Strong
    • Just the Right Spirit
    • Lower Spirit
    • Exit to Heaven
    • Junction

Yomi Vision Events

  • Scan to Find the Battlefield
  • Sealed Castle
  • About Boss Branching and Recruitable Characters
  • The End of Lust
  • Wolf Howling
  • The End of Devouring
  • The Bliss of Gluttony
  • Gluttonous Feeding
  • Battle of Devouring
  • The End of Wrath
  • The End of Laziness
  • Opening the Castle
  • The Mighty One
  • The Sinister Spirit
  • Ordinary Spirit
  • Weak Spirit
  • Boneyard

Tsunanori Mido Vision Event Walkthrough

    Ameya Aisling Character Route

    SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Ameya Aisling

    Ameya Aisling Character Vision Events

    Miyako City Vision Events

    • Scenario Intro (Opening)
    • Tutorial Battle
    • Scan to find the next event.
    • Head to The End of the Green Line.
    • Beyond the Green Line
    • Neighborhood Cat
    • Darkness Under the Lighthouse
    • Cat at Rakunan Station
    • Walking Doll
    • Cat Taking a Nap
    • Cat who is Bad at Climbing Trees
    • Cat at Rakuhoku Station
    • Roadside Cat
    • Temporary Beckoning Cat
    • Cat who Loves Trains
    • Cat in the Lantern
    • Cat and the Old Building
    • Big Frog
    • Encounter at the Lake
    • Cat Behind the Bike
    • Cat in the Shade
    • Cat Looking at the Cathedral
    • Haunted Swing
    • Cat at Rakuto Station
    • Cat Staring at the Water Surface
    • Drunk Cat
    • Cat in the Cathedral
    • Door to Magic

      Grelon Vision Events

      • Common Route (Beginning Event)
        • Wandering Boy
        • Rescuing Frozen Leia
        • Boss Branching Route
      • Iron Maiden Route
        • Rescuing Frozen Sandrine
        • Rescuing Frozen Marion
        • Rescuing Frozen Esperance
        • Rescuing Frozen Remi
        • Rescuing Frozen Virgil
        • Rescuing Frozen Gabriel
        • Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain
        • Options After You Use Up 10 Matches
        • Investigator Gabriel’s Concerns
        • Exploring of the Great Mine
        • Exploring the Church Ruins
        • Exploring the Public Bath Ruins
        • Exploring the Coal Mine
        • Unsealing the Palace Gate (1)
        • Museum Investigation
        • Guillaume’s Field
        • Exploring the Copper Mines
        • Virgil’s Request
        • Exploring the Watchtower Ruins
        • Unseal the Palace Gate (2)
        • Lowering the Ladder
        • The Truth of the Last Emperor (Iron Maiden)
      • Final Emperor Route (Alexandre)
        • Rescuing Frozen Marion
        • Rescuing Frozen Eric
        • Rescuing Frozen Guillaume
        • Rescuing Frozen Roman
        • Rescuing Frozen Morgan
        • Knowledge of Researcher Leia
        • Morgan’s Invitation
        • The Final Emperor’s Truth (Alexandre)
      • Final Emperor Route (Leia)
        • The Final Emperor’s Truth (Leia)
      • Common Route (Post Boss Battle)
        • Cat
        • Exit to the Labyrinth

      Ameya Aisling Vision Event Walkthrough

      Siugnas Character Route

      SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Siugnas

      Siugnas Character Vision Events

      Coming Soon!

      Diva No.5 Character Route

      SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Diva No.5

      Diva No.5 Character Vision Events

      Delta Base Vision Events

      • Scenario Intro (Opening)
      • Junction
      • After Arriving at Delta Base
      • Battle Training
      • Training, Part Two
      • Training, Part Three
      • A Test of Strength
      • Yellow Division
      • Yellow Division Lift
      • Yellow Division’s Interviews
      • Administrator Gold is Waiting
      • Yellow Division Researcher
      • Red Division
      • Red Division Lift
      • The Mystery of the Biochip
      • Waiting Overseer
      • Specimen 098
      • Specimen 507
      • Specimen 056
      • Still the Yellow Division Researcher
      • Necronomicon
      • Yellow Division Researcher
      • Invention Workshop
      • Green Division
      • Green Division Research Magus
      • Green Division Lift
      • Catch the Cat from Another Dimension!
      • Dawn of Civilization
      • Specimen 440
      • New Overseer
      • Growth of Slime Mold
      • Showdown with Specimen No. 303
      • Further Information
      • Captive Alien
      • What Was Left Behind
      • The Mystery of Life
      • Information Control Panel
      • Stop the Skeletal Specimen
      • Administrator Gold is Waiting
      • Junction Room Door
      • Junction
      • Incubator
      • Plant Cultivation Set
      • Gizmo Parts Processing

      Witchdom Pulchra Vision Events

      • Scan to Find the Battlefield
      • Yellow Battlefield (1st Time)
      • Whimsical Windmill
      • A Witch Who Knows Mysteries
      • Wilma’s Troubles
      • The Return of the Dusk Windmill
      • A Witch Waiting to Depart
      • Black Battlefield (1st Time)
      • A Mysterious Witch
      • White Battlefield (1st Time)
      • White Battlefield: Witch Counterattack
      • White Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
      • Blue Battlefield (1st Time)
      • Blue Battlefield: Witch’s Counterattack
      • Blue Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
      • Red Battlefield (1st Time)
      • Red Battlefield: Witch’s Counterattack
      • Red Battlefield: Witch’s Offensive
      • Time to End the Calamity

      Yomi Vision Events

      • Scan to Find the Battlefield
      • Sealed Castle
      • The End of Lust
      • The End of Devouring
      • The Bliss of Gluttony
      • Gluttonous Feeding
      • The End of Wrath
      • The End of Laziness
      • Opening the Castle

      Diva No.5 Vision Event Walkthrough

      Bonnie Blair & Formina Franklyn Character Route

      SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Bonnier Blair and Formina Franklyn

      Bonnie Blair & Formina Franklyn Character Vision Events

      Coming Soon!
